SYMPATIC is an ERASMUS KA2 project funded with support from the European Commission.
The situation of youth employment, young people under 30, remains alarming. Many countries in
Europe have very high rates of youth unemployment. The reality is that we are talking about a group
that has an uncertain future, with a difficult insertion in the labour market, although many of them have
higher education and master, and working conditions are precarious: little stability, temporary
contracts, poor family reconciliation and low wages. In a context where access to work has become,
the race to employability contains a lot of obstacles and difficulties, there are many candidates and a
lot of competitiveness.
SYMPATIC aims at creating:
- A facilitated labor integration for young people after a mobility
- A process of recruitment that starts before the mobility / VET & a better communication between young people and employers
- A trustful relationship between the young person, the job coach and the tutor / employer
- A network of companies in different countries that are recruiting on a regular basis and their vacancies
A pool of young people on the online platform that are “available” and competent to apply for the job vacancies